September 1, 2022

After working in the world of lower-elementary classrooms for many years, Carol Barnhill has joined our lovely Kindergarten team at TDS, and her thoughtful, calm, and warm approach is such a gift to all of her students, and we feel so fortunate to have her join us!
Where were you on your teaching journey before joining us at TDS?
I was a first grade assistant in public schools for 8 years and taught 3 and 4 year old preschool for many years.
What is your favorite thing about TDS so far?
The sense of community and how welcoming everyone is!
Family and Pets?
My husband and I live with our 2 dogs – Charlie and Poppy. We have 2 kids, a boy and a girl – and a new grandson!
Hobbies and Interests?
Reading, going to the beach, projects at my house
Food: Tacos
Drink: Unsweetened tea
Movie: Finding Nemo
Book: Little House on the Prairieseries
Artist: Eric Carle
Team: UNC and Pittsburgh Steelers