May 13, 2021

Each year, one of our favorite middle school traditions is minimesters! In the past, minimesters have been a day of choose-your-own-adventure field trips and full-day activities, planned by the teachers. These minimesters have ranged from “A Day in the Life of a College Student,” where students spend the day at a local university, eating lunch in the dining hall and taking a college class, to fitness challenges at the local Ninja Warrior training gym.

This year, we tried to keep the tradition going, albeit in a slightly altered form. We planned a series of on-campus, social-distancing friendly activities that students could choose from. They had many different options, and, despite some uncooperative weather, we had a great time with our mini-minimesters!

Athens/Sparta: Brains & Brawn

Like the Athenians, students first used their minds to examine works of art. A Nasher staff member “visited” the classroom for an engaging discussion featuring beautiful images of contemporary art. Then, students explored their more physical nature and headed outside to participate in activities to test our feats of physical strength and speed!

Amazing Adaptations

Can you smell your food from miles away? Is your tongue purple or blue? These are just a couple of examples of the many adaptations that animals use for survival. This minimester explored animal adaptations and senses with some yummy treats and animal competition games before a LIVE meet from the NC Zoo. Students uncovered more unique ways living things can adapt to their habitats and why biodiversity is crucial to the health of our planet.

The Science of Ice Cream

Students learned the science behind how to make ice cream by hand with Ms. Morin and Mrs. Stewart! They created their own ice cream (with toppings of their choosing!) using what they had learned.

Science of Ice Cream
Inspiration and Improvisation
Inspiration and Improvisation

Artists of all kinds draw inspiration from everywhere, even from each other! In this minimester, students made visual art and music of their own, based on works of other artists. We spent some time with a jazz pianist who talked about the art of improvisation, and what it takes to recreate things we can see or experience as music for any listener to enjoy.

Get your Empanadas!

These lucky students learned how to make Puerto Rican pastelillos (aka empanadas) using their favorite ingredients. They made different empanadas for different times of the day, for breakfast or lunch, as a side or dessert. Traditionally deep-fried, they used an air fryer to cook them.

Spill and Chill

Ms. Bassler and Ms. V created a relaxing afternoon at school (is that even possible?!), spending time building each other up with some yoga, meditation, crafts, and of course, yummy treats.

Spill and Chill
M & M - Mulching & Milkshakes!
M & M – Mulching & Milkshakes!

Students joined Coach M and Senor Dowd for our first ever MULCH YOUR ISLAND team competition. The winning team received the grand prize and ALL participants received a milkshake of their choice. This was a fun afternoon of exercise, milkshakes, and even a game of dodgeball. The 8th Grade chose to use their 8th Grade priority to take over this minimester and spend the afternoon together!

Thank You For the Lift!
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