By Triangle Day School
September 12, 2019
2018-2019 Campaign Posters

2018-2019 Campaign Posters

Each year, the middle school elects the president, vice president, and secretary of the TDS Student Council. These officers are responsible for running our all-school assemblies, coordinating meetings, and helping plan school events such as spirit week, dances, and MS movie nights.

So far, our candidates for the officer positions have submitted their applications. Next week, they’ll post campaign posters in the middle school hallway and make speeches to their classmates about why they should be elected.

Once the middle school has voted on the officers, each advisory will elect one or two representatives. We would love to have lots of students participating!

2018-2019 Student Council

MS Rock Climbing Trip
Faculty Profile - Danielle Cosgrave, 4th Grade
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