By Triangle Day School
December 7, 2015

Our students were fantastic hosts, and our guests were treated to a morning full of learning, fun and memorable moments.  Here are some of the activities that took place at TDS!

TK – Students graphed the number of grandmothers v. grandfathers. There was also an Estimation Jar, and one grandmother walked away with LOTS of animal crackers!

Kindergarten – Everyone enjoyed a fruit feast and made turkeys to celebrate the holiday.

First Grade – Students and grandparents worked together on stories about the nighttime sky, and they made wax-paper stars to create a lasting memory.

Second Grade – In order to imagine what meals were like on the Mayflower, students and guests tried a snack of beef jerky and crackers.

Third Grade – Students and guests made acrostic poems, expressing thanks for many things in their lives.

Fourth Grade – Students shared many projects (risk takers, stock market) with grandparents and friends.

Fifth Grade – Students shared GFGA projects, and they delivered letters of appreciation that they had written to their grandparents.

Middle School students and guests were busy as well – using data from grandparents about the cost of various items many years ago for a linear interpolation project in math, and doing pushups and step-ups to calculate muscle power in science.

A big thanks to all of our grandparents and special friends!!

Lower School Experiences "Space Station Conservation"
1st and 3rd graders attend "Didgeridoo Down Under"!
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