By Triangle Day School
April 17, 2018
WRAL reports Mindfulness at TDS: Watch Video Here
As part of their daily routine, second grade students practice mindfulness with Ms. Newman and Ms. Murphy. On Monday’s evening news, WRAL featured the TDS second grade, along with Ms. Newman, in a segment on mindfulness. “I love it. It makes me feel better because I don’t have to think about anything else except what I’m doing,” said Beatrice (2nd grade). Students regularly sit in a circle, calm their bodies, control their breathing, and concentrate on some simple instructions from the teacher, training their brains to focus. According to Ms. Newman, “mindfulness gives kids the skills necessary to self-regulate, and they also gain self-awareness. In the academic world, this translates to greater resilience. It also helps students work better in their communities at school, because they have a greater understanding of others.” From elementary schools to the business world, people are taking note of the positive effects of mindfulness. Students at TDS are leading the way.