September 1, 2022

Mike Nye has stepped into his Lower School PE role with enthusiasm and ease, and as he is teaching cooperative games to small groups, running his regular PE classes, or working one-on-one to help a student improve coordination, it is clear that he cares for the well-being of all of his new students.
Where were you on your teaching journey before joining us at TDS?
For the last 16 years, I taught Physical Education at Sterling Montessori Academy in Morrisville, NC.
What is your favorite thing about TDS so far?
School Spirit!
Family and Pets?
My partner, Eliza, and our dog, Raleigh.
Hobbies and Interests?
Kayaking, Biking, Hiking, Fishing, Farming, Gardening
Food: Mac and Cheese
Drink: Lemonade
Movie: Big Fish
Book: Where the Sidewalk Ends
Artist: Lake Street Dive
Team: NCSU and NCCU
Fun Fact:
I was born and raised in Colombia and am fluent in Spanish.