By Triangle Day School
October 3, 2019

Today is the first day of middle school conferences for the 2019-20 school year! We’re excited to see all of the parents and check in about the students’ progress so far this year.

One important note about our conferences is that they are student-led. Students prepare comments about their worries, goals, and growth in each class, which are accompanied by examples of their work that the students choose. This is a valuable time for students to reflect on how they are doing in each class, take responsibility, and communicate that to their teachers and parents. It also helps students practice their communication skills.

The student-led conferences are just one part of our over-arching goal to make students more accountable and independent as they progress through their middle school years. We encourage students to come directly to their teachers when they need help or email when they have a question, versus having their parents do it for them. We also encourage parents to ask their children directly about any issues and hold them accountable for communicating those issues. Our hope is that this will better prepare them for their transition to high school and make them more resilient and responsible teenagers.

Emily McAllister
Middle School Director

Faculty Profile: Rebecca Fensholt, Instructional Assistant
Blind Spot
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