By Triangle Day School
May 9, 2019

The middle school students are gearing up for their end-of-year trip next week! Each year of their middle school career, the students travel to a different location for their end-of-year trip. Last year the students visited Washington DC, and this year they will be visiting Williamsburg, Virginia.

Middle School End-Of-Year Trip 2018, Washington, DCMiddle School End-Of-Year Trip 2018, Washington, DC

In addition to exploring the sites of Colonial Williamsburg, students will solve a four-hundred-year-old crime at the Jamestown Settlement, go on a ghost tour, and hear from historic interpreters about the founding of our country.

However, the trip won’t all be about history! Students will also explore the vibrant ecosystem of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This year, we’re partnering with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to take the kids out on the bay in a day-long boat trip. Students will do water quality testing, biotic surveys, and pollution mapping, among other activities. Additionally, we’ll travel to the Virginia Living Museum for an after-hours tour, meet and greet with animals native to the region, and planetarium show.

Finally, students will visit Busch Gardens for a physics demonstration and day of fun. We’re looking forward to the trip!

Emily McAllister
Middle School Director

What's Happening in Lower School - May 9, 2019
A Message from the Head - 5/16/2019
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