By Triangle Day School
March 10, 2017
Lip Sync Extravaganza!
A school-wide event
What is this?
An opportunity for students to perform a song, with the goal of entertaining the audience and sharing a positive message!
When is it?
Friday, April 7th! All video entries are due to Mr. Forringer by Monday, March 27th. A group of teachers will approve them and offer suggestions.
- The length of the performance should be 1-2 minutes.
- Students must practice the performance and send in a video to Mr. Forringer to show that they have practiced and have an act in mind.
- Limit: ONE performance ONLY.
- The song must be appropriate and have a positive message.
- Costumes and props are encouraged!
- Students will perform the act on stage that Fridayafternoon!
Additional information/advice:
- Have FUN with it!
- Think about your space and movement.
- Be sure to know all the words so you can act like you are singing!