By Triangle Day School
January 19, 2017

One of the highlights in the weeks leading up to the Auction is witnessing the coming together of the class projects. Thanks to the herculean efforts of Sheryl Blackwell and Jeanne Dombcik, along with the dedicated help of Jodi Hughes, Cindy Lucas, and Rose DeLaTorre, this year’s creations are wonderful expressions of our children’s artistic talents. Several of these works of art are on display in the Commons, and all will be ready to view by week’s end. Here’s a recap of what your children helped to create:

  • TK students lent their fingerprints to decorate a large bull’s head.
  • Kindergarteners drew adorable self-portraits, which were then affixed to a wooden tray (one per class).


  • First Graders used overlapping sheets of colored paper and embellishments to design a multi-layered rectangle. These were then cut into the shape of fish and used to form a collage (one per class).


  • Second grade students traced and colored birds, which were then artfully placed on a painted tree, all on a rustic wood background.
  • Third graders painted wooden sticks, which were then incorporated into a vibrant starburst mirror.
  • In fourth grade, students painted and initialed two ceramic, leaf-shaped platters.
  • Fifth graders illustrated the Durham skyline with Sharpies and watercolors, and these creations were blended together into one continuous overlapping image.
  • Sixth grade students selected and cut paper to create mosaics in the shape of a bull’s head, which were then combined in a collage.
  • In seventh grade, some students used watercolors to create sports silhouettes, while others added complementary text, blending together on canvas.
  • Finally, eighth graders waded into the world of scrapbooking, cutting letters to spell their names and meaningful images from magazines, which were then affixed to a real guitar.

Please make a point to stop in the Commons in the next several days to admire these works of art. Each creation followed an evolutionary process, with kids’ understanding and application of instructions leading in different directions!

All class projects will be up for bid during the Silent Auction phase of the TDS Auction, next Saturday, January 28 at Bay 7 of the American Tobacco Campus in Durham. Buy your tickets today! [If you cannot attend, but are interested in bidding on one of these treasures, please contact Sheryl Blackwell.]

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TDS Auction Catalog is here!
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