By Triangle Day School
October 28, 2016

Lower School:

A long-running LS tradition is our student acknowledgment program, Talented Tornados! In this program, we recognize the special qualities of LS students. Each child is acknowledged during a school assembly throughout the year. The student’s “time to shine” focuses on his/her many talents. Each student is presented with a certificate, as well as a written tribute from his/her class. Teachers recognize their monthly Talented Tornados at LS meetings, and during all-school assemblies, teachers present their Talented Tornadoes and describe how they exemplify TDS’s core values. Another special honor: our 5th grade Talented Tornados lead LS morning meetings each Tuesday.

October’s Talented Tornados are:

Kindergarten: Landon, Elizabeth, and Dominick

First Grade: PJ, Joshua, and Evan

Second Grade: Zoe

Third Grade: Connor

Fouth Grade: Anna

Fifth Grade: Miranda and Mackenzie

Middle School:

At the assembly on Wednesday, three students were honored for their demonstration of the TDS Core Values during the first quarter. The following was said about each recipient:

Anja, your teachers would like to recognize you for your energetic and joyful spirit, as well as your willingness to take on extra responsibility, often without being asked to do so. You exhibit all of the Core Values on a regular basis, notably compassion and respect.

Katie, you are recognized by your teachers for demonstrating all of the Core Values. You are attentive, patient, and respectful to everyone in your class. You often perform random acts of kindness, not because you are told, but because you are kind. Above all, you make your classmates feel valued.

Matt , you demonstrate responsibility and respect on a daily basis. You are a hard working student, and, in many ways, wise beyond your years. Your teachers appreciate the way you approach your studies with maturity, and want to thank you for treating everyone with respect.

Congratulations to Anja, Katie, and Matt!

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