By Triangle Day School
March 16, 2016

This year, the multi-faceted community service program at TDS is focused on combating childhood hunger in Durham. As a cornerstone of this program, the Student Council initiated a school-wide partnership with PORCH-Durham, a local non-profit organization.

In addition to instilling the importance of assisting those in need, the service learning program at TDS is focused on helping students examine social justice issues critically in order to determine ways that they can positively impact the world around them. To that end, Kate Newman and Steve Butera, our divisional service coordinators, have engaged teachers in conversations about how to tie service activities to the TDS curriculum. Recently, the TDS faculty watched this TED Talk by Bryan Stevenson, stressing the need to talk about injustices in our society. Along similar lines, Ms. Newman will speak to parents tomorrow morning about courageous conversations that we need to be having with our children.

The TDS Mission Statement calls for us to “inspire confidence in each student to lead a life of purpose.” While there are certainly many paths to a life of purpose, all are rooted in an awareness of injustices and problems, both locally and globally, as well as a desire to make the world a better place.

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