By Triangle Day School
October 5, 2015
Many of our Lower Schoolers engage in physical fitness each morning at TDS!
Under the innovative leadership of Mrs. Logan (Middle School teacher), the TDS Walking Club has truly blossomed. From 7:45 to 8:10 each morning, Lower School students – approximately fifty per day – walk or skip around the gym, collecting one ticket per lap. At 8:10, they deposit their tickets into their own envelope, and Mrs. Logan is able to chart their progress each week – eighteen laps to a mile!
This well-oiled machine requires many helping hands, and Mrs. Logan has groomed a squad of about a dozen 8th grade leaders. These students hand out tickets, walk with the Lower Schoolers, and disseminate and then collect the envelopes. They also ensure a safe environment, build relationships with their younger peers, and act as true role models, living the TDS Core Values. As Mrs. Logan reflected, “there’s no way this could be done without them.”
Even small steps turn into many miles over time, and TDS has joined the 100 Mile Club, a national organization dedicated to improving the health and learning of students through walking and running, to provide some long term goals for our students. In fact, two students hit the 25-mile mark earlier this week, and several of their Lower School peers are close behind. Please stop by the gym between 7:45 and 8:10 to see our students in motion!